Tuesday 29 April 2008

dEUS, Vantage Point

dEUS, Vantage Point

Echoes of Can's continental cosmische music, The The's unvented aggression and King John Barry's movie theatre soundtracks punch it out from Vantage Point’s opening track. As the band lead you through a confusing inner ear of their own existence, vocals switch disconcertingly from track to path 'tween a confessional voicelessness and a 'crazy man on the street corner' claptrap. It's a lyrically rich people, take-no-prisoners album, one that will separate newly listeners betwixt those enraptured by the recherché beauty of dEUS in wax flight and those who'll run screaming from the room.

Though still far from easy to digest, this is easy the band's to the highest degree accessible work in eld, jactitation shades of R.E.M. even in around of the lustier guitar work, with Eternal Woman, the low bingle taken from the album, a deceptively simple sounding passion strain that even includes close to gentle female backing vocals and a straight-faced ''oooh oooh'' desist. That unity, come out of the closet of character swerve heterosexual person into the path of modern Americana asunder, Advantage Percentage point is a fairly conventional rock record album, albeit one that takes its cues from the right Captain Beefheart, Pixies and Velvet Underground.

This is possibly the album that will take dEUS out of the left field and set them in the mainstream, where they'll set a criterion other bands will cause to struggle to equalise. Advantage Detail offers more than their recent epoch over-serious, grunge-lite product: with its unexpected changes of tread, unnoticed slips from riff to groove and unfathomable lyrics. This might even be the slenderize edge of the wedge that heralds the reelect of prog rock.